SoliCall is a private company which develops software products that enhance the quality of the audio in telephony. Our worldwide customer base keeps growing every year. Our versatile products are used in almost any existing telephony environment ranging from desktops in call centers, mobile in social networks, IoT on the road and communication equipment in the air. Our technology improves the audio quality of 21 million calls every day. We never rest and for the last 18 years we keep innovating and improving our advanced & patented technology and conquer new challenges. Among our innovative solutions, you can find the Noise Firewall for call centers and shared workspace and a robust echo cancellation for any challenging environment. SoliCall is headquartered in Tel Mond, Israel.

"SoliCall makes us hear better"
VoIP Technology,
"Background noise? SoliCall is here"
VoIP Central,
"The website and the software look inviting"
The NY Times,
"Been there - need that. Just what the world needs",
"SoliCall is a must have application"
"Solicall's PBXMate - great success, tremendous improvement"
Solomon’s VoIP World,
"VoIP without noise - deliver what they promise"
VoIP, Web 2.0 & Tech News,
"Making a big noise in VoIP noise reduction"
LANZen technology strategy in business,
"Like the glance of heaven in hell"
"Windows Mobile smartphones users will sound clearer "
"SoliCall Inks Deal with Three International Companies"
"InterMedia to Implement SoliCall PBXMate for Call Center"
"SoliCall Helps ISC Achieve New Levels in Audio Quality"
"SoliCall’s technology...has empowered Herit to increase company’s MOS score"
Voip Catalog,
"SoliCall has overcome the technical difficulties that tend to exist on the server side of audio filtering"
"Daum Communications Integrated SoliCall in Its VoIP Network"
"SoliCall to offer its PBXMate product as an Elastix Addons module"
"Japan Communications, Inc., deployed SoliCall audio quality improvement solutions to improve sound on its networks"
"We are excited about partnership with SoliCall provide best quality sound and low latency web communications"
"Using patented technology, SoliCall has developed a way to significantly improve audio quality in telephony"
Mobility Techzone,
"they get the job done...I was pleasantly surprised as to how well SoliCall actually worked...I can highly recommend SoliCall"
"I’m old enough to still be amazed by unique technology - is based on identifying the voice of the speaker"
Tech Thoughts,

Contact Us:

When contacting our business development team, please use your business email address and describe your work environment and the audio quality issues you want to solve so we can recommend on the best product for you.