Yes, SoliCall Connect provides extensive dashboard that allows you to monitor call quality. The dashboard includes statistics on live calls and closed calls. It also presents the Noise Map of your center.
When using SoliCall Connect, the call duration is updated using RTCP packets that are sent from the SoliCall Pro client to the PBXMate server. If the dashboard constantly shows zero call duration, this means that RTCP packets sent from the SoliCall Pro clients are blocked before reaching the PBXMate server. You need to make sure […]
This warning message can appear when running SoliCall Connect product. The warning message means that SoliCall Pro client is unable to get packets (SIP or RTCP) sent from the PBXMate server. This message will usually appear few seconds after the call starts. If you get this message, make sure no firewall in the network or […]