Bandwidth to cancel noise in call centers
- On August 8, 2019
- call center noise cancellation, contact center
How much money are you loosing every day due to the noise in your call center? How many outbound sales calls fail since the customer is annoyed by the disturbing noise coming from your call center? How much effort needs to be invested to fix the inaccurate results of your speech-to-text engine that are caused due to the ambient noise of the call center? On top of the tangible financial damage, noise also reduces the quality and reputation of your service and in addition it puts you in risk of disclosing private & sensitive information that is overheard by the customers.
Hopefully the above introduction was convincing enough to get your attention and you are willing to spare some bandwidth to solve this annoying problem. You might be asking yourself: I am doing exactly what all other call centers are doing, so where am I wrong? The answer is simple: you are wrong holding the assumption that the technology environment that was true few years ago is still valid today. As you know the technology keeps improving and offers new solutions to elegantly solve existing problems. For example, Waze is now a common application that is used to avoid traffic and this technology was not available few years ago. The same thing happens to noise cancelling technology for contact centers.
Noise-Firewall is an innovative software technology that correlates the audio from multiple phones in order to identify the source of each voice and remove all ambient noise from the calls. The correlation technique enables the Noise-Firewall to build a noise-map of the call center and identify who is disturbing whom in the call center. This technology was not available few years ago but it is available today and it easily integrates with any telephony infrastructure. Regardless the type of phone infrastructure you are using, if you are using on premise solution or a SAAS solution, home grown solution or a commercial one, in all cases the Noise-Firewall can be easily integrated with your existing infrastructure. Being a software solution, the Noise-Firewall does not require any physical change in the call center, you do not need to purchase different headsets, you do not need to install acoustic panels and you do not need to purchase a white-noise generator.
Talking about bandwidth, rest assure that the Noise-Firewall is using the latest technology, like the OPUS coded, in order to minimize any bandwidth requirement from your existing infrastructure.
Do you think that this new technology is too good to be true? Check out the following case study. Hopefully this blog post opened your mind to the new era in noise cancellation for call centers. For additional information please contact us.