Echo cancellation for browser-based Flash/Silverlight chat applications
- On November 20, 2016
Browser-based chat applications
Several of the vendors that develop audio/video chat applications decide to do it using Flash or Silverlight technology due to the following two advantages:
1. The end-users do not need to install any additional software, except for the necessary plug-ins on their existing browser.
2. The end-users can run the application on different platforms – including mobile devices.
The echo problem in browser-based application
Based on the ongoing feedback we are getting from different vendors, one of main problems with this technology is the lack of a good acoustic echo cancellation. As a result, the vendors have to request their end-users to “give up” the freedom of using any audio device, including their built-in audio device, and start using headsets.
SoliCall conquers echo in browser-based applications
SoliCall offers several unique AEC solutions to cancel the echo in browser-based environment. In this post we will review one of these solutions which is the network/server-side echo cancellation.
Network echo cancellation
Network echo cancellation is an echo cancellation solution that runs on the network and cancels the echo coming from any of the far-end clients. It is a robust solution that overcomes tough conditions like long delays and audio distortion due to CODECs. Using this technology, from within the network, the vendors cancel echo that is coming from all their clients – including mobile clients which have very limited CPU power.
Integrating Network echo cancellation
Vendors have two options for integrating a network echo cancellation:
1. Integrating the Server SDK in their server platform.
2. Run the PBXMate, as a SIP trunk, in their VoIP network.